
easily fuckup person

Since I’m talking to myself, let’s talk about being honest to oneself. I can’t stop thinking about what I did wrong to make him get sick of me. And I think I should stop doing that because it could be me and it could be him. And there is no way I’m going to find out the answer by wondering and guessing. I’ll simply end up denying myself for being who I am. My confidence that I build up eventually will fall all apart. The reason that I am disappointed or surprised is that I cannot believe he deleted me 在我完全没有什么意愿想要再跟他说话的时候。the sex was just disappointing. But we’ve been knowing each other for quite some time now. Since we can talk that much, I thought maybe we can grow something out of something. Yet we didn’t. What else can I say? Right now I’ll probably think fuck him but I hope I’ll wish him all good at the end. 

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