
easily fuckup person

前男友加我微信说 “再给你看一眼妹妹照片吧 我马上要回国了 过几天有人来领养她 ” 

从收到申请到现在,我整个人都是一种说不出的感受。还没有通过。我在想如果不通过这个事情可能就过去了。如果通过的话,我在期待什么呢?我真的对妹妹的照片感兴趣吗?从我把小花放在他那里的那一刻我就再也没想过我和她的生命还有半点关系。I’m so tired of raising up a cat. Am I a cat person? I don’t know. The only thing I felt bad about cat is that he accidentally killed two cats. And I was there. I witnessed it. And that left a scar on me. I always felt like I owned something to the cat. And that’s why I started to feel different about cats. I adopted one even though I am not a responsible person. I’m not a loving person. I can’t even take care of myself. Well, go back the topic, 我要通过他的申请吗?当我在通过的时候我在期待什么。我不是还跟前任联系的人。我准备好面对过去的一切了吗


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